In this topic, you shall find the key documents enabling to understand the origin of the functional service economy, its evolution before, during and after the Grenelle Environment Bill. Indeed, until the Grenelle Environment Bill, held in the autumn of 2007, functional service economics was a subject reserved for a few university specialists or to a few industrialist that had developed this economy without referring to any pervious conceptual work; the steps were strictly empirical. The Grenelle Environment Bill dedicated a study group on the matter, and the soaring energy and raw material prices in the summer of 2008, the crisis erupted in the autumn, the need to dematerialise the economy had made its way into many minds. There are, therefore 3 tempos in the history. We must place the third, that we aim for, in line with the two previous.
You can download the texts for quick review.
For books, organizations interested in the functional service economy and links to other websites, please refer to the “resource” topic.