9. Cofely Alsace regional council


The Alsace regional council must assume responsibility of all regional colleges. Worried about rising energy prices and anxious to set the example concerning greenhouse gases, the council redefined its energy strategy but is stopped by the necessary investments, 70% of their heritage does not comply with requirements of the European regulation, TR 2000 =Thermal Regulation 2000. (Reflections in 2006 and accelerated in 2008).



The regional council, after various stages over the period of 2006 to 2009, agreed to a Energy Performance Contract (CPE) with Cofely (GdFsuez), which includes the following goals:

–          30% consumption reduction in primary energy

–          Significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

–          Using up to 20% of renewable energy

–          A first group of 14 secondary schools, out of the most energy consuming and spread out for feedback purposes were selected

Cofely is in charge of :

–          Insulation work

–          Deploying remote management

–          Energy production work (wood boilers, heat pumps, connecting to district heating networks, solar panels on 5000 m2 by a third party).



Although the annual budget is of 65 M€ for 76 secondary schools, the investment of 30M€ concerning the 14 chosen schools is taken on by Cofely; the primary energy consumption is reduce by 35% and greenhouse gas emissions by 65.

The rent is paid by the regional council is partly funded by the energy savings. Cofely benefits of 18 years work instead of classic 5 year contracts.


Key points

By using this Energy Performance Contract, the regional council accelerated the modernization of secondary schools thanks to external funding that is partly paid by the savings made.

Cofely has a loyal client and a management depreciated over 18 years, with feedback that is a competitive advantage in other negotiations.


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